My name is Kody Kubala and I am the owner and operator of Three Sixteen Wildlife Studio located in Kerrville, TX. In 2010, I took a six-week taxidermy course given by Texas Hill Country School of Taxidermy owned and operated by Bryan Waligura. I was successful in the course and have been operating my taxidermy shop for almost 8 years after completing his course. I recommend that Bryan is able to reopen his school so that other will be able to learn how to become a taxidermist under this amazing teacher. If you have any questions, please feel free to call me on my cell phone at 979-541-9669.
Kody Kubala

I thoroughly enjoyed learning the art of taxidermy under Bryan Waligua. We learned how to mount small mammals, birds and larger mammals. Bryan worked 1 on 1 with us and critiqued our work until it was flawless. He also shared with us business tips on how to make sure to make money when owning our own business. He showed us where and how to order supplies that we would need for a taxidermy business. Bryan also helped us get in touch with local tanneries and other businesses ant we would need to run a successful taxidermy business.

Best Regards,
Cole Stevens